
Our Programs
True Islam and the Empowerment of Our People

This letter was sent to the Ethopian King, Anajashi from Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
We offer classes on various topics ONLINE/IN-PERSON such as Usul Ud-Deen (Foundations of the Religion), the proper belief according to Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, Fiqh according to the Maliki School, and the importance of Tasawwuf, purification of the heart
All three of these sciences is necessary in order to have the proper belief as a Muslim.
We rely on our generous community to create a lasting impact and ensure the continuous operations of our Masjid to become not only a gathering place, but also eventually a full functioning school, and a house of worship for Muslims in Pittsburgh and Greater Pittsburgh.

Nur uz-Zamaan Channel
The Nur uz-Zamaan Channel on Youtube is where you can find relevant Islamic knowledge and history pertinent for all ages. Whether you need help to build a stronger Islamic foundation, strengthen marriage/family ties, and more, Nur uz-Zamaan Channel provides listeners with hours of listening on a variety of subjects relevant to all, but our people in particular.
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